Diseases and Conditions

Absence seizure

Coping and support

If you're living with a seizure disorder, you may feel anxious or stressed about what your future holds. Stress can affect your mental health, so it's important to talk with your doctor about your feelings and seek resources for help.

At home

Your family members can provide much-needed support. Tell them what you know about the seizure disorder. Let them know they can ask you questions, and be open to conversations about their worries. Help them understand the condition by sharing any educational materials or other resources that your doctor has given you.

At school

Talk with your child's teachers and coaches about your child's seizure disorder and how it affects your child at school. Discuss what your child might need from them if a seizure happens at school.

You're not alone

Remember, you don't have to go it alone. Reach out to family and friends. Ask your doctor about local support groups or join an online support community. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Having a strong support system is important to living with any medical condition.